Discussion on the rationality of adopting the form of equity pricing to trade the patent of service invention in public hospitals
投稿时间:2020-03-08  修订日期:2020-03-08
中文关键词: 医学创新  转化医学  科技成果转移转化方式  股权作价  专利转让  专利许可
英文关键词: Medical Innovation  Translational Medicine  Transformation of Scientific Achievements  Equity Pricing  Patent Transfer  Patent License
基金项目:上海市医院协会医院管理研究基金青年项目(Q2019-023); 复旦大学附属中山医院管理科学基金(2018ZSGL01)
张敏 复旦大学附属中山医院教育处 200032
支闻沁 复旦大学附属中山医院人事处 
程蕾蕾 复旦大学附属中山医院科研处 200032
摘要点击次数: 156
      目的 专利是医学科研创新成果最常见的载体之一。深入开展转化医学是大势所趋,需要不断探索适宜公立医院专利转化的多重交易方式,本研究聚焦于公立医院是否适宜采用股权作价方式进行科技成果的转移转化。方法 通过梳理文献和政策分析,充分研究国有无形资产进行科技成果转移转化的各种方式,总结当前高等院校、科研机构国有无形资产的常见交易形式,同时结合国有医院的资产管理办法进行梳理。结果 通过对比分析公立医院与高等院校、科研机构的不同特点,综合公立医院无形资产管理规定,我们当前公立医院不适宜采用股权作价方式进行科技成果的转移转化,但其他多种专利转让和许可方式切实可行,依然能够有效推动转化医学向纵深发展。结论 鉴于公立医院的特殊性,公立医院需要探索出适宜医院专利转化的多重交易方式,虽然当前阶段股权作价转让不符合公立医院资产管理规定,但现行阶段依然有其他方式可以选择。
      【Abstract】Objective Patent is one of the most common carriers of medical research innovation. The development of translational medicine is the general trend. It is necessary to explore patent transformation using multiple transactions in public hospitals. This study focused on whether it is appropriate for public hospitals to transfer scientific achievements by equity valuation. Methods To study the transformation of scientific achievements of state-owned intangible assets in China, and to summary the common transaction methods of scientific achievements in colleges, universities as well as scientific research institutions by literature review and policy analysis, combing with the state-owned hospital’s asset management measures. Results Through comparative analysis of the differences among public hospitals, universities and scientific research institutions, considering the regulations on intangible assets management of hospitals, it is considered that public hospitals are not suitable for the transformation of scientific achievements by the way of equity pricing in current. However, other patent transfer and patent license methods are feasible, which can effectively promote the development of translational medicine alternatively. Conclusion In view of the particularity of public hospitals, public hospitals need to explore multiple transactions to suit for the transformation of hospital patents. Although the current stage of equity pricing transfer does not conform to the asset management regulations of public hospitals, there are other ways to choose at this stage.
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