Analysis of papers collected by SCI in hospitals of Shandong Province during2009-2018
投稿时间:2019-07-10  修订日期:2019-07-10
中文关键词: 医院  文献计量  SCI
英文关键词: Hospitals  Bibliometric  SCI
庞兴梅 山东大学齐鲁医院 250012
李沁蓉 山东大学齐鲁医院 
杨晓云 山东大学齐鲁医院 
李晓婧 山东大学齐鲁医院 
摘要点击次数: 312
      目的 了解山东省医院2009-2018年SCI收录论文的统计情况。 方法 通过检索Web of Science,对山东省医院近十年SCI发文的年出版量变化、来源出版物、研究方向、机构扩展、国家地区、基金资助机构、会议、高被引论文进行汇总分析。 结果 山东省医院近十年共发文27559条,且逐年增长,尤其2011-2015年以约30%-40%的幅度递增。所有论文共发表在2700多种期刊上,前10位期刊上的论文数占总量的23%,其影响因子在1-5之间。肿瘤的研究方向最多,占比23.252%,机构扩展结果中山东大学排名第一,与其具有多家科研实力雄厚的附属和教学医院有关。我省医院科研人员与美国等国家展开合作。总量的56.3%是基金资助论文并且以国家自然科学基金为主。共有1331条论文来源于国际会议。近十年的高被引论文共计75条。 结论 近十年山东省医院SCI发文的数量和质量逐年提升,或与国家和省部委相关部门的科研政策引导、促进有关,同时,与各个医院对科研的重视和加大投入密不可分,未来还需重视高质量的科研成果产出,建立更加科学的科研管理制度促进科研能力提升。
      Objective To understand the statistics of SCI papers in hospitals of Shandong Province during 2009-2018. Methods Web of Science was used to analyze the SCI papars regarding annual scholar outputs, source publications, research directions, collaboration institutions, counries and regions, funding institutions, conferences, as well ashighly cited papers. Results In the past ten years, 27,559 articles were published increaslingly year by year, especially in 2011-2015, the uplift wasabout 30%-40%. All papers were published in more than 2,700 journals. 23% papers were published in top 10 journals, whoseImpact Factors were between 1-5. Researches on oncology countedthe mostfor 23.252%. Shandong University ranked NO.1 regarding collaboration instituionsfor it has many academically well performed affiliated hospitals as well asteaching hospitals . Doctors in Shandong Province cooperated much with the United States and other countries. 56.3% papers were financially assisted by fundings andthe National Natural Science Foundation of China predominated the mostS.S1331 papers came from international conferences.There were 75 highly cited papers in the past 10 years. Conclusions The quantity and quality of SCI papers were increased continuingly. It was because of the guidance and promotion of scientific research policies, as well as the hospitals’ investments. It is necessary to emphasize on thehigh quality of scholar outputs and improvethe scientific research management in the future.
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