Management of Biomedical Research at the University of Cambridge: Implications for China
投稿时间:2016-10-01  修订日期:2016-10-08
中文关键词: 剑桥大学  生物医学  科研管理
英文关键词: University of Cambridge  Biomedicine  Research Management
基金项目:国家留学基金(CSC NO.201406015022);国家社科“青蒿素研发中的管理模式与科研评价研究”(12BGL114)
陈琦 北京大学医学人文研究院/公共教学部 chenqi@bjmu.edu.cn 
黎润红 北京大学医学人文研究院/公共教学部 lirunhong@bjmu.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 2220
      In China, the winning of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine by the Chinese scientist TU Youyou for artemisinin that was discovered during the 1970s triggered a discussion about developing a biomedical research management strategy in the new era. Traditional management has faced many challenges in the era of Big Science. The University of Cambridge has attained remarkable achievements in biomedical research and has an effective management system. By referencing observations from Cambridge, and considering the research climate in China, this article proposes strategies for advancing research management in Chinese universities.
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