Discussion on construction of network epidemiology from infodemic of COVID-19
中文关键词: 网络空间  信息疫情  公共卫生  社会治理  网络流行病学
英文关键词: Cyberspace  Infodemic  Public health  Social governance  Network epidemiology
贾忠伟 北京大学中国药物依赖性研究所北京大学人工智能研究院智慧公众健康研究中心 北京大学国家大数据研究院药物滥用防控中心 
摘要点击次数: 545
      目的 “信息疫情(Infodemic)”是世界卫生组织在新型冠状病毒肺炎防控期间针对网络信息轰炸提出的一个新名词。信息疫情的出现提示网络流行病学建设的必要性和迫切性。方法 信息疫情产生的主要原因是网络空间扩大了信息传播范围和传播速度,却很难或无法把握信息传播的内容。新冠病毒肺炎疫情期间同时存在两个战场,即物理空间里人们与病毒面对面的战场和网络空间里全民的关注及信息传播的战场。结果 网络空间用户都是物理空间真实个体的映射,网络空间的疫情信息必然对物理空间真实的个体产生影响或伤害。随着互联网在人们工作生活中的作用越来越重要,开展针对网络空间事件对公众身心健康影响的系统性研究,将为规范网络用户行为、制定网络信息发布传播规则、提升公共卫生管理和社会治理提供科学依据。结论 本文以WHO定义的信息疫情为线索,探讨并提出网络流行病学潜在研究框架。
      Objective Infodemic is defined by WHO during the prevention and control of COVID 19. The emergence of Infodemic prompts the necessity and urgency of the construction of network epidemiology. Methods There are two battlefields at the same time during the COVID-19 epidemic: people face to face struggle with viruses in physical space and people’s attention and information dissemination in cyberspace. The Infodemic is mainly because that cyberspace expands the scope and speed of information dissemination, but it is difficult or unable to control the content of information dissemination. Results The users in cyberspace are mappings of real individuals in physical space, and the Infodemic in cyberspace will inevitably affect or harm real individuals in physical space. As the Internet plays an increasingly important role in people′s life and work, carrying out systematic study of the impact of cyberspace events on public’s physical and mental health will provide a scientific basis for regulating the behaviors of online users, formulating rules for the publication and dissemination of online information, as well as improving public health management and social governance. Conclusions Following definition of Infodemic by WHO, this paper discusses the potential framework of network epidemiology.
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