UK medical research administration model and enlightenment Adding value in research
中文关键词: 提高研究价值  英国国立健康研究院  医学研究监管
英文关键词: Adding Value in Research  National Institute of Health Research  Medical research regulation
基金项目:2016年深圳市医疗卫生三名工程项目(SZSM201612061);深圳市卫生计生系统学科能力建设能力提升项目 (SZXJ2018068)
吉萍 深圳北京大学香港科技大学医学中心临床研究所 
摘要点击次数: 883
      目的 本文介绍英国国立健康研究院围绕“提高研究价值”采取的相应举措,以期对我国医学研究监管与支持体系建设有所启示。方法 结合相关理念探讨,梳理“提高研究价值”在英国医学研究监管与支持体系建设中的实践应用。结果 医学研究的监管与支持体系及机制建设应关注研究优先资助领域的确定、搭建研究设计平台、建立全程管理机制及可公开访问的共享平台和有效推广应用研究结果等方面。结论 我国医学研究监管部门、研究机构、资助方和研究团队等相关方应关注如何能真正“提升研究价值”并思考相关机制的建立。
      Objective This paper introduces the concepts of “Adding Value in Research”,along with strategies adopted by National Institute of Health Research(NIHR)in practice, to enlighten the establishment of domestic medical research administration and support system. Methods Analyze the idea and its applications of Adding Value in Research in the UK medical research supervision and support system combined with concept discussion. Results The key issues should be focused by the establishment of medical research supervision and support system including setting the priorities by evidence based decision making,providing research design platform,whole process management,accessible and usable platform,and disseminating the findings effectively. Conclusions All the stakeholders such as regulatory bodies, research institutions, funding agencies and researchers should pay attention to “Adding Value in Research” and engage in the establishment of related mechanisms.
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